Batch Ripper was designed to be open when
supporting loaders, it is possible for 3rd parties to easily create
drivers for batch ripper. Should you wish to create your own drivers this following
section describes the process Batch Ripper will call loaders.
Loader CLI Switches:
Loaders are contained in the folder
\dBpoweramp\BatchRipper\Loaders\[Loader Name]\
Pre-Batch\Pre-Batch.exe called once at
beginning of batch rip
Load\Load.exe called for each load
Reject\Reject.exe called if CD needs
to be rejected (cannot read, is data cd...), NB Unload would not be
UnLoad\UnLoad.exe called to
unload a cd normally
Post-Batch\Post-Batch.exe called
once at the end of the batch
Additional files in Loaders\[Loader Name]\[Method Load\ Reject\
etc] folder:
DefaultCmdLine.txt (saved as ascii)
Line 1: first run default command line
Line 2: help line displayed to user under command line (in Batch Ripper
Line 3: hidden command line (not show to user) which is always added to
NB if DefaultCmdLine.txt is not present, then user is not able to change
or add command line
Passed to loaders (all lower case):
--drive="X" cd drive letter passed
--logfile="X:\filename.tmp" requests any debugging details be written by
the loader to this temp file, should be saved as Unicode plain text
--passerrorsback="x:\filename1.tmp" requests any errors from loader to
this temp file, should be saved as Unicode plain text, if contains
[cancel batch] (all lower case) then batch rip is ended
--watchdog="120000" (for batch ripper, even though specified on command
line: will end task the loader command if not finished after X
milisecond time)
--rejectifnodisc (for batch ripper: used on a load.exe if the load fails
tells batch ripper to issue a reject, incase an unreadable cd was
[and additional user typed, default or hidden command line]
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