
Digital audio technology is fast moving, constantly innovating, this
introduction brings you up to speed in no time.
Digital Audio signals are represented by three
different parameters, each of these has an effect on audio quality, for
best quality match the encoder with the source, example: compressing an
Audio CD, encode to 2 Channel, 16 bit, 44.1 KHz.
Audio CDs contain 2 channels of audio, that is
2 independent audio signals. The idea
being your Hi-Fi has two speakers, the listener sits in the
middle facing the
speakers, two ears detect differences from each speaker (created during mastering), this gives depth to the audio reproduction, called
stereo separation, as well placing the vocalist in the center of
the two speakers.
Movies benefit more than music from extra
speakers, effects some times need to appear from behind, it is
easier to effect this when there are actual speakers at the
rear. DVDs have 5.1
sound: 5 speakers and .1 is the low frequency
Why is music not 5.1? traditionally if a
concert was attended, all sound would appear to come from the
front, nothing from behind, where as a car chase in a film the
police sirens would be behind. That is not to say music
cannot improve with more speakers, certain tracks might try to
place the listener in the middle of audio, if I had the choice
of 2 very good speaker or 5 average ones, I would choose the two
for music.
Channel Count |
Common Name |
1 |
Mono |
2 |
Stereo |
4 |
Quadraphonic |
6 |
5.1 |
8 |
7.1 |
Frequency (Sample Rate, or
Samples Per Second)
Sound is made up from pressure waves. A single
constant wave has its frequency measured in Hz (oscillations per
second). Humans ears on average can hear from a lowest frequency of 10's of Hz,
up-to higher frequencies just below 20,000 Hz, or 20 KHz.
When talking about digital audio, frequency
has a different meaning, it is the rate each sound sample is
recorded. Imagine you were told the temperature out side once a
day, your friend was told the temperature four times a day, who
would have the more accurate picture? your friend. The higher
the frequency, the more accurate a representation, up to a
point...human hearing can not hear on average above 20 KHz, so reproducing
50,000 KHz would be a waste of space (each sample takes up
space). Nyquist's theorem states: that to reproduce a 22 KHz
sound signal, it must sampled (recorded) at more than 2x the
required frequency, a sample rate of 44.1 KHz can reproduce a 22
KHz signal.
It just so happens that audio CDs have a
sample rate of 44.1 KHz, so why is DVD audio 96 KHz, or 192 KHz?
is it a marketing ploy? yes and no. Yes it is a ploy in that
more appears to be better, it has already been said that an
audio CD can reproduce a sound that has a higher frequency than
people can hear. No, as it is easier (cheaper) to create a piece
of audio equipment that plays back a 18 KHz signal without
distortion, when fed a 192 KHz signal rather than a 44.1 KHz
signal. High-end gear, would not have much distortion, so there
is no point in 96, or 192 KHz audio, just the cheaper consumer
gear which improves.
Bit Depth (and Amplitude)
Consider these two audio sine waves:

has a higher amplitude (2x) than
A, it is louder, but B is not twice as
loud as A, perceived audio loudness works on a
logarithmic scale. The human ear was designed this way, so that the
quietest mouse can be heard whilst the loudest jet tolerated (there is
many order of magnitudes difference between the two).
Bit depth is the resolution audio samples can be
stored with, consider these crude representation of bit depth:
8 bit has the worst detail, whilst here is is shown
as 'blocky' audio is not like that with sine waves, 8 bit is still
smooth, just has less precision, resulting in more distortion. There is not too much difference between 16 bit
and 24 bit, they are both reaching the limits of perception. Audio CDs
are 16 bit, whereas DVDs are 24 bit, again is it a marketing ploy? yes
and no, yes most people cannot hear the difference between the two, no
as 16 bit audio CDs have been spoilt by the loudness race: that is CDs
produced now are volume compressed, that is the quiet parts are pushed
up louder, so that when played on the radio or TV the track sounds
louder (a 1980's CD would sound quiet in comparison to one from 2000).
The downside is that 16 bit CDs are no longer effectively 16 bit, the
full audible range is not being used. 24 bit helps, but in the long run,
the same fate (loudness war) might happen to 24 bit tracks.
When talking audio, compression can have two meanings:
volume compression where the volume levels are 'compressed' to make the
overall piece louder and audio compression, used to reduce the file
size. We are discussing audio compression, of which there are two types:
the majority of compressed
audio files are lossy, when encoding audio quality is sacrificed to
achieve higher rates of compression. How much quality is lost
depends on the encoder and settings used for compression, bit rate
plays the biggest role in determining final quality, higher bit rate
files have better quality than lower bit rate files. Bit rate is
normally presented in Kbps (Kilo-bits-per-second).
Bit rate can be fixed at the same value throughout
the file, know as Constant Bit Rate, or CBR. Bit rate can constantly
vary on demand, an audio track might have quiet parts, it stands to
reason that for these quiet parts a lower bit rate could be used, whilst
complex parts a higher bit rate could be used. When the bit rate is
allowed to change it is called Variable Bit Rate, or VBR. Finally there
is Average Bit Rate (ABR), basically it is VBR but with constraints,
those constraints are to give the whole file an average set bit rate, so
the final file size can be roughly known (with VBR it could be any
Typically a lossy 3 minute audio track might be 3 MB
in size, around 10 to 1 compression (at 160 Kbps), or 10% of it's
uncompressed size. Common lossy encoders are: mp3, ogg vorbis, windows
media audio (wma), advanced audio compression (AAC, typically stored in
a .m4a container).
audio which is
compressed using lossless can be uncompressed exactly the same (bit
for bit) as the source file, it is without loss. Lossless is slowly
gaining ground on Lossy, the main advantage being once your CD
collection is ripped into lossless that is it, no more re-ripping,
unlike lossy where the need to re-rip might present its self if a
newer encoder is released. Lossless can be converted to any other
Lossless format without loss, lossless can be converted to any lossy
format and has the same quality as though ripping from audio CD.
The main reason Lossless is held back, is the final
compression rates which are no where near as good as Lossy, a typical 3
minute audio track might be around 30 MB uncompressed, Lossless could
compress down to 15 MB, around 2 to 1 compression, or 50% of it's
uncompressed size.
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