dBpoweramp [Length Split] Utility Codec
A utility codec for dBpoweramp which splits a larger file into smaller "chunks", for example a 10 minute audio book could be split into ten one minute files. When splitting the new split filenames are {Original Filename}-001, -002, -003 for the first, second and third respective files.

Encode To specifies the encoder the shorter files should be encoded with.
Split Every sets the length to split.
When Split Go Back can be useful with audio books so the new split file contains a portion from the end of the previous split file, when listening to a narrative it is good to get the last sentence again.
A utility codec for dBpoweramp which splits a larger file into smaller "chunks", for example a 10 minute audio book could be split into ten one minute files. When splitting the new split filenames are {Original Filename}-001, -002, -003 for the first, second and third respective files.

Encode To specifies the encoder the shorter files should be encoded with.
Split Every sets the length to split.
When Split Go Back can be useful with audio books so the new split file contains a portion from the end of the previous split file, when listening to a narrative it is good to get the last sentence again.