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dBpoweramp Codec Central: CLI Encoder


Windows XP or newer, dBpoweramp R12 or newer required.


CLI Encoder Release 6    32 & 64 bit codecs included


The CLI Encoder enables dBpoweramp to encode to any audio format which has a command line encoder, typically an .exe program which is programmed via the command line to configure it. Using a CLI encoder requires intermediate to advanced computer skills, it is preferable to use a pre-created dBpoweramp codec.

There are two ways to use the CLI Encoder, the first and simplest is to point to an encoder (executable) and specify a command line. The other way is to dynamically create an options page (with option buttons, drop lists), the command line is automatically constructed depending upon options selected. This method is much more complex to setup, but once done it is more user friendly to select the various options, dBpoweramp uses this method for command line encoders (such as the m4a FDK (AAC) encoder)

Decodes   (none)        Encodes  [depends on encoder used]