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dMC Power Pack - Fun Bars

Fun bars change the appearance of the Percentage bar in dBpoweramp Music Converter (dMC), give dMC that cool look:

[Monkeys Audio Percentage bar]

To display these fun bars in dMC the Power Pack must be installed.


Download: dMC Fun Bar Pack Release 2 (231 KB)
  Download Bengt Strom's Fun Bars (unzip to C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\Compression\Skin\pc-bar\random)
Download Fenics Fun Bars (unzip to C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\Compression\Skin\pc-bar\specific) and rename favorite one to Ogg Vorbis
Download: Digs Fun Bar Pack 1 (372 KB)

Fun Bars included in the Fun Bar Pack

These are the bars included in the Fun Bar Pack, first is a bar that shows when converting to Monkeys Audio:

and when Converting to Mp3 Lame:

to Ogg Vorbis (thanks Markus Abrell):

When Converting to any of the other formats, the percentage bar randomly switches between:



Create Your Own

It is easy, fun bars are installed to C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\Compression\Skin\pc-bar\random and C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\Compression\Skin\pc-bar\specific. Bars can be deleted from these folders, the specific folder should have a bar with the exact same name as a codec (such as Wave), specific bars (to a compression) will always be used in preference to a random bar.